The Mission Mic — for nonprofits

3 Tips for your mission mic recording:

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while recording your Mission Mic message:

  • We may not be able to include your full recording in the pod. We’ll prioritize the ones that relate to FAQs we receive from other nonprofits. Also, Jenni may share short excerpts and/or paraphrased quotes.

  • Don't worry about making a perfect recording! We’ll make minor edits to remove long pauses, vocal fillers (e.g., ‘umms,’ ‘you knows,’ etc), and possibly other trims for time.

  • If possible, try to cap your recording at 10ish minutes. Our widget can usually handle longer recordings, but the audio quality can sometimes drop when folks go past that 10-minute mark.

Outline for nonprofit recordings:

(If you work with nonprofits as a consultant, coach, or other non-employee vendor, please use the outline on this page instead.)

If you’re a nonprofit employee, board member, volunteer, or serve in another unpaid role with a nonprofit, please follow the outline below while recording:

  1. Introduce yourself: Share your full name, role at your nonprofit, and your nonprofit’s name

  2. Provide context: In 1-2 sentences, briefly describe how your nonprofit has been impacted by one or more Trump administration policies

  3. Tell us what you’ve done: Describe specific ways your nonprofit has tried to adapt

  4. Tell us what you’ve learned: Share what you’ve learned so far about what has and/or hasn’t been effective

If you’d like to share helpful resources related to the lessons you’ve learned, and/or you’re interested in collaborating with other nonprofits that face similar challenges, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

share resources and/or collaborate