How to Create Programs

In Season 2, Episode 9, I spoke with the Executive Directors of MindWorks Collaborative and Unscripted to learn about how they created their innovative programs from scratch. Both of these organizations work in very niche, unique cause areas, so they didn't have the luxury of looking at other organizations' programs to help guide their planning process. I asked Martrice and Emma for their advice on creating new programs at a nonprofit organization.

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Here is this week's checklist:

☑️ Invite your prospective clients into the conversation.

Martrice recommends you create programs with those you hope to serve, not for them. They know what they need better than you do. Emma says a key part of achieving buy in has been fully immersing herself in her client population.

☑️ Start small with your pilot program.

Don't overreach your resources, and don't expect to change the world right away.

☑️ Find ways to regularly audit your programs.

Figure out what 'success' means to you, and what metrics would measure that. At the same time, know that these definitions may change as you go along.

☑️ Collaborate with others in your space.

Don't reinvent the wheel. Find others who are working in the same area and/or with complementary services.

☑️ Be humble.

Recognize that you won't get it right the first time, and that other people have more experience than you do. Welcome those learning experiences.

And if you need more help...

☑️ Email me and tell me what's going on at your nonprofit.

What are your current goals? What issues are you facing? Give me some background information, and we'll go from there! I never charge for an initial consultation, and I'll be honest if I can't help you. I'll also be happy to connect you with the other resources in my network who may be able to provide better advice or services for your situation.

☑️ Make sure you're subscribed to the Nonprofit Jenni Show on your favorite podcast platform so you won't miss a future episode.

☑️ Send in your questions, brags, and episode topic ideas to make sure I talk about what you want to hear next.