Why Would a Nonprofit Rebrand Itself? An Equity Conversation

This week on the Nonprofit Jenni Show, we chat with Nicole Brandt Minyard from Daybreak Arts (formerly Poverty and the Arts) about how and why her organization decided to rebrand itself.

Why Did Poverty and the Arts Choose to Rebrand Itself?

In 2021, an organization called Poverty and the Arts chose to rebrand itself, partly because the leaders realized that its name was problematic. In our interview, I ask Nicole:

  • How did Poverty and the Arts get its original name?

  • Why did POVA’s leadership decide the organization needed a name change?

  • What advice would you give to nonprofit leaders about the language they use to describe their mission, programs, and clients?

Listen to my interview with Nicole:

Jenni’s Favorite Resources for Nonprofits This Week

  • Learn Grant Writing — My favorite grant writing coach, Meredith, put together this free workshop on how to become a grant writer.

  • Nonprofit Megaphone — My friends at Nonprofit Megaphone help you advertise your nonprofit on Google for FREE using the Google Ad Grant.

  • All my favorite resources — Each week, I highlight a handful of resources in my email newsletter to you. But I have a longer list on my website complete with every tech tool, consultant, and resource I love for nonprofits!